недеља, 23. септембар 2018.

The Princess and the Outlaw

A kingdom in peril, threatened by treachery from within and without.
A beautiful princess. Spoiled, arrogant and headstrong.A lone knight. Strong and brave -- on a mission for his liege.A lovely orphan girl. Sweet and kind, but also stubborn and determined.An outlaw. A much-feared rogue leading his band and concealing an old secret.

Buckle your swash, mount your steed, and prepare to ride forth. But take heed – it will be an arduous journey. Your opponents are well armed, relentless and cruel. This quest will call for intelligence, bravery and endurance, and if you are a fair damsel … well, you might get spanked.

Announcing the imminent release of The Princess and the Outlaw, a rip-roaring medieval romantic adventure featuring stout hearted men and fair haired damsels.


Imagine a medieval kingdom under siege… Treachery is abroad in the land, and the kingdom’s royal princess is on the run, torn away from the pampered life she has always known. Her only salvation lies at the hands of a desperate outlaw, a rogue hiding from the law in the depths of a dark forest. It’s not easy placing her fate in his hands. After all, she is a royal princess and does not obey commands – she gives them. But how quickly she learns that in the Outlaw’s forest, disobedience can lead to swift chastisement in the form of sound spankings applied to the royal bottom. To her amazement she realizes that the sting in her tail has fanned flames of desire for this rough hewn rogue. What is she to do?

Imagine a nefarious plot…An evil countess seeks to place an imposter on the throne, an innocent orphan girl, deceived into playing a role, thinking it is for the good of the kingdom.  But slowly doubts begin to surface, and she questions everything she has been told. When a visiting knight begins to ask the same questions, the orphan wonders if he can help. Can he be trusted? Perhaps, but the knight needs her cooperation, and he is not above applying some well deserved correction to the shapely bottom of his nubile lass if he doesn’t get it.
Imagine a perilous quest… Four must join forces. Four must overcome the dark shadow imperiling the kingdom. It will not be easy. Danger lurks at every turn. The Red Countess, with her whips and birch rods, awaits and will severely punish all who oppose her plans.

Enter the world of The Princess and the Outlaw …   It’s a fantasy medieval world seething with the heated passions of a man for a maid, fueled by the flames of voluptuous chastisement. In this world men are men who will not hesitate to turn a feisty maid across a sturdy knee for a lesson in obedience. And in this world, the ladies revel in the masterful actions of their men, realizing that the glow of loving discipline often leads to loving of quite a different sort. It’s all fully described in explicit detail in  this novel of over 45,000 words.
The projected release date is mid August. Published by Stormy Night Publications.

Here is a brief excerpt:

Juliet now had time to get a good look at the man. He was tall and lithe with light sand colored hair that fell to his shoulders. Intense grey eyes bore into hers and she shivered. He had no beard, but his chin bore some short blonde stubble, as though he hacked off his facial hair every few days or so. The man wore the simple clothing of a huntsman, all browns and green. He carried a sword in a side scabbard, and a longbow was slung over his back. His face was thin, but fair to look on, with a hawkish nose and a strong jaw. Juliet decided instantly that although he was rough looking, he was handsome. And that gaze of his was disconcerting.
“Well, the nerve of her. Stealing food from an old woman. She should be soundly thrashed.” The woman emphasized this last statement with a thump of her walking stick.
At the same time Juliet noticed the woman eyeing her curiously, as if she were trying to remember something. The woman cocked her head seemed about to speak, as if she remembered something, when the outlaw spoke.
“Just a minute, Mother. Before we commence with the whipping, let’s find out who she is.” His dry tone suggested he was humoring the old woman. He turned to Juliet and said, “And just who are you, girl? And I might add, where did you get that horse?”
This was her chance. Juliet drew herself up and said with as much authority as she could muster, “I’m Princess Juliet Greystone of the kingdom of Westvale. King Robert Greystone is my father and I demand that you take me to him at once.”
The brigand shook his head. “Well, there you have it, Mother. She’s a princess.”
The woman cocked her head and squinted at the girl. She seemed less angry now, and now stared intently at Juliet, as if trying to place her. “Rand, you must do something.”
“I intend to, Mother Theda. But first, let’s find out who she really is.”
Juliet stamped her foot. “I just told you. I’m Princess Juliet Greystone.”
Rand LaFlors started toward the girl, who stood there defiantly at first then started to back up.
“Forgive me, Your Highness,” said Rand with a bit of sarcasm, “but I find that highly unlikely. My sources tell me that Princess Juliet is alive and well, living at Greystone Castle.”
“But that’s impossible. I’m right here, standing before you. Is this place not within the boundaries of Westvale?”
“That it is, Your Highness. You are in Darkwood Forest on the western boundary, but then again, being the princess, you should know that.”
“I was abducted! Abducted and brought here in a wagon. They made me sleepy. I did not know where I was. There was a castle — I was a prisoner of this horrible woman. So I escaped. Now take me home,” Juliet stamped her foot again and folded her arms across her chest, “or my father will have your head on a spike.”
Rand’s eyes narrowed. “I do not take kindly to threats, especially from a village girl who should know better.”
“The girl perhaps meant no harm,” said the old woman. “This young woman looks familiar….” Mother Theda let her thought trail off as she tried to remember. Then she shook her head, as if the memory wouldn’t come. “Still, someone should teach her not to steal from a helpless woman and to hold her tongue. You could take her to the village and turn her over to the constable, but he might place her in the village stocks and apply the lash.”
“That might be a bit extreme, Mother Theda, but I agree, chastisement is warranted.” To Juliet he said, “You broke into the home of the woman who prepares medicines and healing herbs for my people, and, you ate her supper.”
“I…I didn’t know. I was hungry. But -- but she is my subject and I am royalty,” said Juliet with a stammer, recovering some composure.
“Well, Princess, I think it’s time you saw how the common folk live. When they misbehave like you are doing, they are punished.” Rand looked at the old woman. “Mother Theda, with your permission?”
“What are you going to do to her?” said Theda.
“Nothing as drastic as a village flogging. I think a good, sound spanking will do,” said Rand, advancing on the girl.

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