недеља, 23. септембар 2018.

All Ladies Do It

All Ladies Do It

All Ladies Do It (Italian: Così fan tutte) (Italian: ) is a 1992 Italian sex comedy film directed by Tinto Brass and starring Claudia Koll. It is loosely based on Mozart/da Ponte opera Così fan tutte.

Diana (Claudia Koll) is a Roman wife happily married to sympathetic Paolo (Paolo Lanza) but she is keen on playing benign games of seduction with other men while resisting the advances of chic lingerie shop owner Silvio (Renzo Rinaldi) and she narrates her adventures to Paolo in order to stimulate their otherwise monotonous sexual life. However, under the influence of her lesbian friend Antonietta (Isabella Deiana) and raunchy sister Nadia (Ornella Marcucci), Diana starts to move the ongoings further while Paolo is still prone to believing that events narrated by her are merely fantasies. Nevertheless, when the French Sadean antiques dealer Donatien Alphonse (Franco Branciaroli) leaves marks on her body, Paolo understands that Diana is cheating on him and throws her out of the house. Diana then seeks further sexual adventures, while she and Paolo reflect on the nature of sexuality and monogamy, and their future as a couple.

In a retrospective review, Sight & Sound reviewed both The Key (1983) and All Ladies Do It, noting that the latter "shows a marked decline in narrative sophistication and wit" noting that the Venice setting in this film is set more in studio-based constructs than The Key.[2] Brass' film relocates the story to Mussolini's time and changes the setting to Venice.[2]
  1. "Così fan tutte (1992)" (in Italian). Archivo del cinema Italiano. Retrieved June 10, 2016.
  2. Thompson, David (July 2013). "Films by Tinto Brass". Sight & Sound. Vol. 23 no. 7. British Film Institute. p. 96. ISSN 0037-4806.
External links:

The Princess and the Outlaw

A kingdom in peril, threatened by treachery from within and without.
A beautiful princess. Spoiled, arrogant and headstrong.A lone knight. Strong and brave -- on a mission for his liege.A lovely orphan girl. Sweet and kind, but also stubborn and determined.An outlaw. A much-feared rogue leading his band and concealing an old secret.

Buckle your swash, mount your steed, and prepare to ride forth. But take heed – it will be an arduous journey. Your opponents are well armed, relentless and cruel. This quest will call for intelligence, bravery and endurance, and if you are a fair damsel … well, you might get spanked.

Announcing the imminent release of The Princess and the Outlaw, a rip-roaring medieval romantic adventure featuring stout hearted men and fair haired damsels.


Imagine a medieval kingdom under siege… Treachery is abroad in the land, and the kingdom’s royal princess is on the run, torn away from the pampered life she has always known. Her only salvation lies at the hands of a desperate outlaw, a rogue hiding from the law in the depths of a dark forest. It’s not easy placing her fate in his hands. After all, she is a royal princess and does not obey commands – she gives them. But how quickly she learns that in the Outlaw’s forest, disobedience can lead to swift chastisement in the form of sound spankings applied to the royal bottom. To her amazement she realizes that the sting in her tail has fanned flames of desire for this rough hewn rogue. What is she to do?

Imagine a nefarious plot…An evil countess seeks to place an imposter on the throne, an innocent orphan girl, deceived into playing a role, thinking it is for the good of the kingdom.  But slowly doubts begin to surface, and she questions everything she has been told. When a visiting knight begins to ask the same questions, the orphan wonders if he can help. Can he be trusted? Perhaps, but the knight needs her cooperation, and he is not above applying some well deserved correction to the shapely bottom of his nubile lass if he doesn’t get it.
Imagine a perilous quest… Four must join forces. Four must overcome the dark shadow imperiling the kingdom. It will not be easy. Danger lurks at every turn. The Red Countess, with her whips and birch rods, awaits and will severely punish all who oppose her plans.

Enter the world of The Princess and the Outlaw …   It’s a fantasy medieval world seething with the heated passions of a man for a maid, fueled by the flames of voluptuous chastisement. In this world men are men who will not hesitate to turn a feisty maid across a sturdy knee for a lesson in obedience. And in this world, the ladies revel in the masterful actions of their men, realizing that the glow of loving discipline often leads to loving of quite a different sort. It’s all fully described in explicit detail in  this novel of over 45,000 words.
The projected release date is mid August. Published by Stormy Night Publications.

Here is a brief excerpt:

Juliet now had time to get a good look at the man. He was tall and lithe with light sand colored hair that fell to his shoulders. Intense grey eyes bore into hers and she shivered. He had no beard, but his chin bore some short blonde stubble, as though he hacked off his facial hair every few days or so. The man wore the simple clothing of a huntsman, all browns and green. He carried a sword in a side scabbard, and a longbow was slung over his back. His face was thin, but fair to look on, with a hawkish nose and a strong jaw. Juliet decided instantly that although he was rough looking, he was handsome. And that gaze of his was disconcerting.
“Well, the nerve of her. Stealing food from an old woman. She should be soundly thrashed.” The woman emphasized this last statement with a thump of her walking stick.
At the same time Juliet noticed the woman eyeing her curiously, as if she were trying to remember something. The woman cocked her head seemed about to speak, as if she remembered something, when the outlaw spoke.
“Just a minute, Mother. Before we commence with the whipping, let’s find out who she is.” His dry tone suggested he was humoring the old woman. He turned to Juliet and said, “And just who are you, girl? And I might add, where did you get that horse?”
This was her chance. Juliet drew herself up and said with as much authority as she could muster, “I’m Princess Juliet Greystone of the kingdom of Westvale. King Robert Greystone is my father and I demand that you take me to him at once.”
The brigand shook his head. “Well, there you have it, Mother. She’s a princess.”
The woman cocked her head and squinted at the girl. She seemed less angry now, and now stared intently at Juliet, as if trying to place her. “Rand, you must do something.”
“I intend to, Mother Theda. But first, let’s find out who she really is.”
Juliet stamped her foot. “I just told you. I’m Princess Juliet Greystone.”
Rand LaFlors started toward the girl, who stood there defiantly at first then started to back up.
“Forgive me, Your Highness,” said Rand with a bit of sarcasm, “but I find that highly unlikely. My sources tell me that Princess Juliet is alive and well, living at Greystone Castle.”
“But that’s impossible. I’m right here, standing before you. Is this place not within the boundaries of Westvale?”
“That it is, Your Highness. You are in Darkwood Forest on the western boundary, but then again, being the princess, you should know that.”
“I was abducted! Abducted and brought here in a wagon. They made me sleepy. I did not know where I was. There was a castle — I was a prisoner of this horrible woman. So I escaped. Now take me home,” Juliet stamped her foot again and folded her arms across her chest, “or my father will have your head on a spike.”
Rand’s eyes narrowed. “I do not take kindly to threats, especially from a village girl who should know better.”
“The girl perhaps meant no harm,” said the old woman. “This young woman looks familiar….” Mother Theda let her thought trail off as she tried to remember. Then she shook her head, as if the memory wouldn’t come. “Still, someone should teach her not to steal from a helpless woman and to hold her tongue. You could take her to the village and turn her over to the constable, but he might place her in the village stocks and apply the lash.”
“That might be a bit extreme, Mother Theda, but I agree, chastisement is warranted.” To Juliet he said, “You broke into the home of the woman who prepares medicines and healing herbs for my people, and, you ate her supper.”
“I…I didn’t know. I was hungry. But -- but she is my subject and I am royalty,” said Juliet with a stammer, recovering some composure.
“Well, Princess, I think it’s time you saw how the common folk live. When they misbehave like you are doing, they are punished.” Rand looked at the old woman. “Mother Theda, with your permission?”
“What are you going to do to her?” said Theda.
“Nothing as drastic as a village flogging. I think a good, sound spanking will do,” said Rand, advancing on the girl.

My Girlfriend's Mom

This story was written by someone named Mike Davis. It came from USENET in the early, early days of the internet. I've done a bit of editing.

My Girlfriend's Mom
( http://bit.do/erotic18 )

When I was 17, I went on my first 'date' with JenniferSchnell, a 16-year-old who lived down the block, a goofytomboy from my pre-teen days   who had bloomed into a hot teenagebeauty with long chestnut hair parted in the middle,firm high breasts and a pert bottom that had begun to takeon a womanly roundness. Her parents were very strict, soI had to make all kinds of promises about having herhome by 11:30 p.m. plus the usual stuff about noalcohol, etc., etc. To show you how protected we were,my mom drove us to the 'pool party' across town. JoeHenderson's folks had lots of money and a huge pool. Tomake a long story short, Joey's folks made themselvesscarce inside. Mysteriously, cold beers showed up in theice coolers. Jenny wanted to call her folks, scared todeath that they would find out. I asked Dan Jacobs, an18-year-old neighbor of ours, if he'd give us a ridehome. He had to go to work at the 7-11 early, so he saidhe'd leave about 10:30 — well before Jen's curfew. But Danhad a few beers and we left the party late. About twoblocks from Jen's house, the cops stopped Dan. He wasn'tdrunk, but he was under-age. So the cops drove me andJen to her house, even though we begged to walk.
You can imagine the atmosphere when the cop escorted usto Jen's front door at 11:45, 15 minutes past Jen'scurfew. Jen's dad answered the doorbell. Jen and I stoodthere with our heads bowed as the cop told Mr. Schnellthe whole story. Jen's dad seemed very calm, but histone of voice could have been that of a judge handingdown a death sentence.
"Jennifer, you and I need to discuss the consequences ofyour conduct tonight," he said. "Go upstairs and getinto your nightgown. Then come get me. Your mom and Iwant a word with Mike."
We sat at the kitchen table in the dark, the only lightcoming from a small florescent light over the stove.Mrs. Schnell was just as somber as her husband as theytook turns asking me about the party, the beer, parentalsupervision, and accepting rides from someone who hadbeen drinking. The funny thing was, they didn't"lecture" me or threaten punishments. Instead, they justposed questions, then asked me to reflect on our conductthat evening.
When did you learn there was beer at the party? Did youdrink any? Do you think teenagers should drinkalcohol at parties? When you found out about the beer,what were your choices? Would you make the same choiceif you could start all over again? Is it wise to ridewith somebody who has been drinking? What could you havedone to make sure you got Jennifer home before curfew.
When they finished with their questions, I had told themthat:
Teenagers shouldn't drink alcohol... Weshould have called our parents to pick us up, once weknew about the beer... We should never ride with a teenwho has had anything alcoholic to drink... We bothshowed poor judgment several times... As the older one,I had to take more responsibility for our conducttonight... We should both suffer consequences for ourmisconduct...
Mind you, none of these conclusions were suggested byJen's parents. They just led me to my own conclusions bythe questions they asked. God knows what I would havecome up with if Jen hadn't shown up in her pink nightgown, her shoulder length hair pulled back in aponytail.
Jen seemed so sad! She kissed her mom good night andsmiled meekly at me.
"I had a good time, Mike," she said, her voicequavering. "I'm sorry everything turned out so bad."
"Let's go upstairs, Princess," her father said, puttinghis arm around her shoulder. "We need to have aheart-to-heart talk and maybe even some consequences towork on."
"Yes, daddy," she said, leaning her head against hertall father as they turned and left the kitchen
In that moment, Jen seemed so paradoxical. The way shecalled her father "daddy" and leaned against him madeher seem like a child half her age. But as they walkedtogether toward the stairs, the bright light from theliving room passed through Jen's nightgown, silhouettingher body that was half child and half woman.
"Well," Mrs. Schnell remarked as we heard the door toJen's bedroom close, "there hasn't been a spanking inthis house in over two years. But I wouldn't besurprised if we get to hear one tonight."
I looked at Mrs. Schnell in horror!
"You still spank Jen?" I exclaimed. "Isn't she too old?"

Mrs. Schnell laughed.
"First of all, I don't spank Jen. Her father does. Asfar as being too old, that's for Jen to decide."
Mrs. Schnell explained that Jen had never been spankedagainst her will since she was four. Whenever Jenmisbehaved, her mother explained, her father alwaysdiscussed the consequences with her. Punishment optionswere laid out and the punishment matched to themisconduct. Part of the consequences of misconduct, Mrs.Schnell explained, is deciding for yourself what theappropriate punishment should be.

"For example," Mrs. Schnell explained, "when Jenniferwas 12 years old, she and some other girls began teasinganother girl at the school bus stop. The girl was new toyour school and Jennifer and her friends were doing whatchildren sometimes do to outsiders. Well, Jennifer'steacher happened to see the incident and sent a notehome, asking that we discuss it with her. Well, Jenniferand her dad went upstairs right after dinner. Prettysoon, I could hear a spanking in progress. Later, herdaddy told me that the spanking was Jennifer'ssuggestion. He even asked her if she thought12-year-olds are too old to spank. Of course, Jenniferalso called the girl she had teased on the phone toapologize. They've been friends ever since."
I told Mrs. Schnell that I had been spanked a few timeswhen I was younger, but never of my own volition. Sincethe second grade, my parents had never resorted tospankings. I asked her why Mr. Schnell did all thespankings. I admitted to her that — in my family — I'dpreferred my mom's spankings over my dad's.
"Oh, Jennifer and her dad have a special bond," Mrs.Schnell laughed. "She knows he's been very proud of her,whenever she's chosen to be spanked. Shows she's reallysorry and willing to take her punishment. And, to tellyou the truth, I don't think he spanks her all thatlong. I mean, he spanks her hard. When she was small, Iused to stay with them during the spankings. He spanksher bottom bright red. But it's a hard, short spanking.Maybe a dozen spanks at most. As a girl, I rememberspankings lasting a lot longer than that!"

She laughed again.
"You mean, Jen gets..." I began awkwardly. "Jen ispunished bare?"
"Spanked on her bare bottom? You bet! That's the bestway. Her daddy can be sure she really feels it. Besides,there's something so submissive and repentant aboutpulling down your pants or pulling up your skirt for aspanking. It means you are truly accepting of yourpunishment."
Just then, the unmistakable sound of a spanking inprogress wafted down the stairwell and into the kitchen.

"Yes, indeed," Mrs. Schnell said with a turn of hermouth, "Jen and her daddy are having a very deep,heart-to-heart exchange! I thought tonight might end upwith a spanking.”

We both sat in silence as the muffled smack-smack-smackof the bare-bottom spanking filled the house. Soon,Jen's cries mingled with the sound of her father's palmagainst her derriere.
Funny. You can't help listening to the sounds of aspanking. Jen's sobbing grew louder and louder, butstill the spanking continued, the sharp wet sound of a palmstriking bare flesh.  I shivered. She was really getting it.
"I guess her father decided that a big 12-year-old needsmore than just a dozen spanks!" Mrs. Schnell declared,looking up toward the ceiling, as if she could seethrough the walls and witness the spanking with eyes aswell as ears. "This is the longest spanking he's evergiven his little princess."

Smack-smack-smack! The sounds of a palmstriking flesh continued.  I could see it in my mind’s eye -- Jennifer, pj’s at her knees, her adorable bare bottom wriggling and bouncing across her dad’s knee as his arm rose and fell in a blur, the flesh turning a harsh red under the relentless tattoo of sharp spanks.
We sat in silence.

Smack-smack-smack! It sounded like a seriouspunishment that just went on and on. Sharp cracks alternated withpiteous sobs.I squirmed uncomfortably, imagining how my girlfriend felt. Herbottom must be blazing, was all I could think.
When the spanking stopped, Jen's sobbing continuedunabated.
"Wow!" Mrs. Schnell exclaimed. "I suspect that Jenniferis not going to be sitting down comfortably any timesoon. That was one very serious spanking. I suspectJennifer's regretting her choice of spankings right now.But later, she'll realize that a spanking's exactly whatshe deserved."
"Yeah, I guess..." I couldn't put into words the swirlof emotions I felt. Sorrow... Sympathy... Arousal...

I felt sorry for getting Jen in trouble, I felt sympathyfor her stinging, throbbing bottom. I felt aroused atthe thought of her naked bottom. The sound of thespanking and the images in my head had caused my penisto swell uncomfortably in my short pants. I consideredadjusting myself under the table, but with Mrs. Schnellsitting just across the table, I thought better of it.
"What should the consequences be for you, Mike?"
Mrs. Schnell's question snapped me back to thehere-and-now. I realized that what I felt most stronglywas guilt.
Jen had wanted to call her parents when we found outabout the beer. I had talked her out of it. Now she wasupstairs, crying her heart out after the longestspanking of her life — all because of me!
"I don't know," I said. "My folks would never considerspanking..."
"Well, you could be put on restriction and not seeJennifer for a few months," Mrs. Schnell suggested.
A few months? Was she crazy?
I realized then that my attraction for Jen was muchstronger than I had understood before. I knew I woulddie if I couldn't see Jen for months and months!
"But that would punish Jennifer twice," her motheradded. "She's already suffered her consequences. If shecouldn't see you, she would be heart broken. I don'tthink you understand how powerful a girl's first 'crush'can be, Mike."
I figured Jen liked me OK, but this was the first time Iheard anybody describe her affection for me as strong asmy own feelings for her.
"If we both got spanked, then things would be even — anddone with," I said softly, staring at the ceiling, morea thought to myself than something I intended to sharewith Jen's mom.
"Why don't you ask your mom or dad?" Mrs. Schnell asked.

"Naw!" I replied. "They'd think I was weird orsomething. They wouldn't understand..."
"Then ask somebody else."
I stared at her, my eyes wide. Then I looked through thekitchen door and up the stairs. Without thinking, myhead began to shake back and forth.
Mrs. Schnell laughed.
"I think Mr. Schnell deserves a break, don't you?" sheasked, not trying to hide the amusement in her voice. "Isuspect his hand is pretty sore right now. Not as soreas Jennifer's behind, but pretty sore nonetheless!"
She laughed again.
"Who then?" I shrugged.
"Well, I'm not Jennifer's designated spanker," shereplied. "But as a teenage babysitter, I was a favoriteamong all the stricter parents, because I gave out thebest spankings of all the babysitters. I'm a littlerusty, but I still bet I can make it uncomfortable foryou to sit down tomorrow!"
Oddly, she pulled her chair back from the kitchen tableand patted her lap, as if I'd already consented to hersuggestion. More oddly still, I pushed back my own chairand walked around the table. Mrs. Schnell's suggestionseemed the only viable way for me to atone thatnight for my part in it. And a spanking seemed like the only punishment for methat would be fair to Jen as well.
I stood awkwardly in front of her, not knowing what todo next.

"You can start by pulling your shorts down, Mike," shesaid, sensing my confusion.
I fumbled with the snap and zipper. I got the shortsdown to my knees OK. But I couldn't force myself to pulldown my underpants, especially since my penis again hadbegun to swell inexplicably.
"Don't be shy!" she chuckled, reaching and hooking boththumbs in my elastic waist band. "I'm a married woman,Mike. I've seen what's inside a boy's underpants before.And I've spanked many a little boy's bare bottom — eventhough it's been a few years."
I almost dived over her lap as she pulled them down,hoping my swelling went undetected.
She wore a dress hemmed just below her knees. Thematerial was some kind of synthetic — not cotton — witha satin feel to it. Draped over her lap, I noticed forthe first time ever what nice legs Mrs. Schnell had.
If Jen grows up to look like her mom, what a knock-outshe'll be!
That thought passed through my mind of its own accord,aggravating the swelling in my groin.
"You're the oldest boy I've ever spanked," Mrs. Schnellconfessed. "But I was only 18 at the time. My spankingarm's probably a lot stronger now. I'll try to make yourspanking comparable to Jen's..."
I don't know if she expected me to thank her. I guessnot, since she started right in, without even pausingfor my response.

Smack! Smack! Smack! Those first brisk spanks disabused me of anyA notion that Mrs Schnell was not strong enough to dish out a sound spanking. It hurt! I was thinking “yow! Ow! “ to myself in silence as her hand splatted against my bare fanny.
Mrs. Schnell may not have spanked anyone since herteens, but she obviously had forgotten nothing of herarcane craft. She delivered her spanks in sets of five,one cheek at a time, punctuating each set with an extrafirm spank right in the middle of both cheeks but downtowards the bottom, where the buttocks meets the upperlegs.

I practiced no heroics. The extent of my bravery was insubmitting to this painful humiliation. Once thespanking began, I reverted back to a cowardly4-year-old, trying everything in my power to avoid thepunishment I had just volunteered to accept.
Mrs. Schnell wrapped herself around me, clasping myoutside arm at the wrist and pinning it to my side. Icould feel her bosom pressing against my back. Isquirmed to no avail. I kicked my legs, but the shortsand underpants restricted my range of motion. I musthave looked like a beached seal, flopping in the sand.
"Oh, please-eee-eee! Ow-www-www-www-www!Hurrrrrrtssssss! Wahhh-hhhh-hhhh!"  I couldn’t help it. ItStung like a hive of bees.

Smack! Smack! Smack!
None of my humiliating pleas elicited any sympathy fromMrs. Schnell. Like all good spankers, she wassufficiently detached and in control to know thatanything the spankee says can be discounted. She had aclear idea, I'm sure, of what constituted an adequatespanking under the circumstances.
And that's precisely what I was going to get!
Smack! Smack! Smack!
I had never endured a spanking of this magnitude, eitherin firmness of the spanks or in their number. Perhapsbecause my parental spankings had been delivered to theseat of my jeans or — worse case scenario — the bottomsof my PJs, I was not prepared for the hot, stinging painof Mrs. Schnell's bare-bottom spanks. Nothing in myprevious spankings prepared me for the odyssey of aprolonged spanking. I had never experienced that fabledmetamorphosis from angry rebellion over the knee tocomplete surrender and submission.
But there in the Schnell's kitchen, over the lap of mygirlfriend’s mother, I would make that long journey tothe second level of a spanking...

Smack! Smack! Smack! It burned, it scalded my bottom.It stung like crazy.

I collapsed, letting my bottom go limp, my legs justtwitching with each punishing smack of her palm, all mykicking gone. I stared at the yellow tiles of thekitchen floor, the discoloration of the grout between,the splashing of my own tears below my face. My crieswere a continuous stream, without modulation,independent of the landing of the spanks.
Smack! Smack! Smack!

I don't think I noticed when they stopped. I just laidthere crying. The minutes passed with me lost in my ownprivate world of hot, stinging pain and uncontrolledsobbing. But, in time, as always happens after even thehardest and longest of spankings, my sobbing broke upinto sniffles and hiccups.
"Turn around, Jennifer," I heard Mrs. Schnell sayfinally.
I turned my head to see Jennifer and her father in thekitchen doorway, his arm around her shoulders, tearsstreaming down her face. Somehow, I knew she cried formy pain, not her own. Her father turned her around bythe shoulders, facing her toward the living room, whileMrs. Schnell helped me to my feet. My penis hadshriveled up to nothing under her onslaught, so she hadno problem slipping my underpants back to their uprightposition. She then tugged my shorts up, zipping andsnapping them for me.
"OK," Mrs. Schnell, signaling Mr. Schnell to turn hisdaughter back around. "Time for an after-spankingheart-to-heart."
The four of us sat at the kitchen table, Jennifer on herfather's lap and me on her mother's. Both parentscomplimented us on the things we had done right thatevening. We did not drink beer and we did leave early inorder to respect Jen's curfew. We had both shown poorjudgment in other regards, but we had both accepted theconsequences of those poor judgments.
"That's the hardest spanking I've even given Jennifer,"Mr. Schnell explained with a hug. "You're both older nowand your bottoms are losing their sensitivity. But moreimportant, I wanted this spanking to be one you bothwould remember for a long, long time."
"Don't worry!" I exclaimed. "That's the hardest spankingI ever got. I'll never forget it!"
We all laughed. Then Mr. Schnell took Jen back upstairsand to bed. Mrs. Schnell insisted on driving me home,even though my house was just down the block.
"If you ever feel like you need another spanking, Mike,"she said as she stopped in front of my house, "I'll behappy to give it to you."
"Thanks, Mrs. Schnell," I replied. "I'll remember that."

I never asked for another spanking, of course. But Ithought about it a lot!


A Judicial Birching Story

A Judicial Birching Story
( http://bit.do/erotic18 )
One of the things that fascinates me is the judicially sanctioned punishment scene. I frequently incorporate such scenes in my own stories, and I'm always on the lookout for good ones written by others. One author I found fairly early on who was really good at this was Lupercal. He wrote a number of stories detailing scenes of  court-ordered floggings and a few can be found in the archives at LSF. Here is a story of Lupercal's, written way back in 1999 and posted to USENET. It's called:

In The Approved Manner

Photos and screen stills by Nu-West. Art by Paula Russell and Stig. 

The Oakwood Public Safety Act of 1969, in Section Two (dealing with
corrective procedures, and, in particular, with the corporal punishment
of adult females), is notably single-minded in its old-fashioned,
authoritarian style, indicating that such punishments shall be administered
with ".. judicial severity sufficient to fully and demonstrably
chastise the offender of her grievous and culpable iniquity." Accordingly, the
casual reader is admonished that the following story is a graphic
fictional account of the judicial correction of a mature woman in the
'approved manner', and thus may cause distress to persons of fragile

The Oakwood Islands were granted virtual autonomy in 1957, after nearly
a century of squabbling between the five thousand or so inhabitants and
their British masters. Whilst nominally a 'protectorate' under the
Crown, in practice, the governor and the city fathers, known as the High
Council, were granted full sway over the Islands' political and legal

The unexpected tourist boom of the late 60's and 70's, with its influx
of young ideas and styles, seriously challenged, however, the
islanders' inbuilt sense of quiet superiority. This, combined with a general
feeling of righteous moral certitude, provided much of the impetus for the
re-introduction of corporal punishment in the early nineteen-seventies.

In those dim, but not-so-distant times, the imposing edifice of the old
colonial gaolhouse could still be seen towering over the eastern end of the capital, Kingstown. For more than three-hundred years, before its
demolition in 1985 to make way for a short-lived theme-park development, the grey sandstone fortress had watched like a sentinel over the
fiercely conservative, tight-knit island community.

It was here in this historic setting, on August 25th 1972, that, by
order of the Municipal Sessions, and with the approval of the governor and
most of the island populace, one Penelope Anne Spender - a lady of some
standing we are informed - was, as the evening papers put it, "..
formally chastised with an old-style prison birching," for crimes she had
committed in a mindless, drunken rage at a discotheque known
affectionately to locals and tourists alike as The Dungeon.

The Oakwood Islands Public Safety Act, 1969 (as amended) states that,
"Whereas a female has been judged guilty of an offence under this Act, a
magistrate, or his appointed deputy, may order that she undergo
corporal punishment, provided that :

a) the offender is aged over 18 years;
b) the court deems her to be unsuitable for rehabilitation;
c) the offender is able to comprehend the nature of her offence; and
d) she is physically fit and able to withstand the punishment." 

The controversial Act came into effect in February 1970 after a spate
of violent incidents centred around Kingstown's booming tourist and
nightclub precinct. Later that year, amid international outrage, two
sisters aged 18 and 20, along with their 23-year-old male companion, were
punished for soliciting and theft. By the middle of 1971, and despite
continuing uproar, the number of women who had been sentenced under the
legislation had risen to over twenty. The practice of judicial birching
was officially discontinued in 1976, due mainly to its phenomenal success
in reducing crime rates amongst the trendy crowd of under-twenty-fives
who continued to flock to the resort in steadily increasing numbers.

Penny Spender was, however, not your average high-spirited teenage
rapscallion. Recently separated from her affluent, well-connected spouse,
the unrepentant Miss Spender had, according to Chief Stipendiary
Magistrate, Iain Treloare, come to Oakwood, with ".. too much money, too much
free time, and a bad attitude all round." So, for her part in the
nightclub affray and the rampage which had followed, the headstrong,
independent twenty-eight-year-old was duly sentenced and handed over for
chastisement in the 'approved manner'.

A murmur of approval rippled through the packed courtroom as the stiff
sentence was handed down. "Hear hear!" a loud voice said, and heads
nodded in the public gallery as she was led from the dock. The next
morning, shortly before nine, she was taken from her cell by two constables
and frogmarched down the long corridor to face her bitter penance.

The drill hall at the Kingstown Municipal Correctional Facility was a
large, brightly-lit area roughly the size of a tennis-court. The space
had originally served as an assembly place for troops and convicts - in
the days when there were troops and convicts to assemble - but now, the
whole south end of the room was dominated by the presence of a low
wooden podium, raised nine inches or so from the surrounding floor and more
than broad enough to accommodate the punishment detail with it's grisly

Spender was to be 'horsed' over the waist-high timber trestle which
stood at the rear of the platform. Her wrists and ankles would be fastened
so that she was presented in an 'on-all-fours' position with her hips
and bottom thrust up prominently to receive her punishment. A coarse
woollen blanket had been draped about the top of the cruel perch to afford
the prisoner some small protection from the rough-hewn beams and the
crude apparatus had been bolted tightly down into position, presumably as
a contingency in case a struggle should ensue. 

A long wooden bench had been placed in front of the podium for the warden and the court Bailiff, along with a number of officers and official witnesses. When the prisoner was led in, flanked by the uniformed guards, an expectant hush fell immediately over the small gathering. Penny
was straightaway brought forward and made to stand facing the bench. 

"Penelope Anne Spender, brought by order of the Bailiff," the senior officer declared to no one in particular, then produced a bundle of keys from his jacket. The warden, a prim, mousey woman named McNally reached over and accepted them without comment, placing them carefully on the
bench in front of her. She turned then to the lean, blue-coated man who sat beside her. "A most un-cooperative little madam," she said. "Your prisoner, Sergeant." 

Staff Sergeant Maxwell Thorne nodded curtly, rose from his seat and,
eyeing intently the woman whose chastisement he would presently oversee,
made his way to the front and stepped onto the platform. "Bring her
here," he said, and the burly constables promptly manhandled the squirming
girl up onto the deck. 

Under normal conditions, she would have been thought an attractive
woman, though today she would not have readily agreed. She was dressed in
the same diminutive blue miniskirt and cream cotton blouse she had been
arrested in two nights earlier. Worse, with her belongings confiscated
and with no mirror to dress by, her long brown hair had been left
unbrushed and her makeup unattended. so that she appeared bedraggled and
unkempt in the extreme. "Let me go!" she snarled, baring her teeth in

"Settle down!" Thorne said sharply, raising an admonishing finger. "Sod
you!" she spat back and aimed an untidy, half-hearted kick at his
groin. Thorne fixed her with a glowering stare. "I'll warn you once." he
hissed. "One more such outburst, madam, and you will find yourself back
before the court for assaulting a police officer and resisting lawful
restraint. Do I make myself clear?"

Penelope blanched. "I .. I .."

"Do you understand me, girl?!" the big man demanded. Penny jumped
visibly and a deep blush came over her ashen visage. "Yes, Sir. I
understand, Sir," she said softly, lowering her eyes, shamefaced and apparently
resigned now to her ignominious fate. "Hold out your hands, then," he
ordered, and, when she had done so, the younger constable, a man in his
early twenties, removed the steel cuffs from her wrists. "Has the doctor
seen you?" Thorne enquired. Penelope shuffled nervously, staring at her

"I asked you a question!" the gruff sergeant barked. Penny winced at
his renewed show of anger. "She.. I.." she stammered. "She.. she.." With
a frustrated shrug Thorne turned his back on the babbling convict and
addressed a lumpish, red-faced little woman at the bench. "Matron! Has
the prisoner been examined?" he demanded. "Yessir, she has," the surly
old nurse replied, and detached herself awkwardly from her chair. "She's
as fit as a fiddle, Guv. I dare say the .." She would have gone on but
the sergeant interrupted, unconcerned with details. "That will do,
Nurse Grimes!" he said. The fat woman bristled,  giving him a sour look.
"Hmmmph!" she snorted and flopped back heavily into her chair.

"Right, you men! Let's have her over," the sergeant continued, and
Penny was taken across to the big trestle. Immediately she had been
positioned, the senior constable knelt to secure the heavy buckled restraints
about her ankles. The other fellow then took her by the collar, and,
placing his free hand between her thighs, tipped her headfirst over the
whipping-horse. Penny let out a startled cry but the constable ignored
her. "Hands flat on the floor!" he ordered. 

Sergeant Thorne, meanwhile, had taken advantage of this interlude to
consult with Warden McNally, who produced a number of canes and birches
from a steel bucket by the door. Selecting the sleekest and most supple
of these and quietly thanking the warden for her trouble, he stepped
back up onto the podium.

Thorne regarded both policemen gravely. "Senior Constable Clark. You
will carry out the order," he said, handing him the doleful weapon. The
designated officer then moved to a position facing the prisoner's right
side, while the younger man stepped back a pace. The staff sergeant
called out, "Mister Bailiff! The warrant, please," and, at the far end of
the bench, a portly man in a dark, double-breasted suit rose and began
to leaf through the items in front of him.

"Ahem .. yes. In the warrant of execution before me .." he said,
selecting one of the documents and quoting from it in a starched, lugubrious
baritone. "For diverse acts and offences detrimental to good order and
governance, namely, riotous affray and wilful damage to property,
assault with intent to cause injury, in addition to drunkenness and
offensive behaviour, the prisoner, the woman called Penelope Anne Spender, is
sentenced hereby that she shall, at a time and place convenient to the
court, be chastised formally to the order of eight strokes to her naked
posterior; the said punishment to be administered in the approved
manner and in the presence of such individuals as the governor deems proper
to attend. His Worship notes also that the prisoner has drawn
particular attention to herself by her flagrant disregard .."

"That's enough!" Thorne cut in. "This is a punishment parade, not the
Globe Theatre!" The Bailiff drew himself up, nonplussed and not a little
put out by the interruption. "Er.. yes .. well, that's all then,
Sergeant. Carry on." Fuming, he returned to his seat and busied himself with
his papers.

"Take up her skirt," Thorne instructed, and the young constable stepped
forward again and began to draw the tight-fitting garment up over
Penny's hips. She gave a bewildered little squeak, "NO!!" and started to tug
energetically at her heavy bonds. Penny gasped. She could scarcely
move, let alone stand. The constable finally got her skirt up around her
waist and stood back waiting for the next order. Penny's face was a mask
of fear and mortification at what was about to take place.

"The panties as well, please," Thorne continued and the big fellow
grinned then carefully hooked his fingers inside the waistband of the
woman's briefs. Penny squealed and wriggled about madly but, in her
jack-knife posture, she could not hope to keep it up for long. Knowing this,
the young man took no notice of her tantrum, which he patiently allowed
to run its course. Then, with a snap of elastic and the slither of nylon
over silky-smooth skin, her scanty undergarment was peeled down to
expose the broad expanse of her mature feminine posterior.

The plump, rotund globes had flattened out firm and hard with the
stricture of the horsing and the delicate skin had been drawn almost
drum-tight by the unnatural angle of her body. The downy cleft had, in
consequence, opened wide, exposing the entire region, while between her parted
thighs the soft pink of her pouting sex could be seen peeping coyly out
from behind the coarse dark tufts which sprouted there in tangled

"Senior Constable Clark!!" the sergeant said loudly, his voice suddenly
taking on a stern, formal tone. Penny gave a terrified sob and a look
of sheer panic crossed her face. Whimpering with fright, she recommenced
her erstwhile efforts to free herself from the awful contraption to
which she had been bound. As if to make her misery complete, her knees had
begun to quake violently and were trying to give way beneath her. But
Penelope was strapped firmly in place, unable to flee the coming pain.

Clark watched the woman's voluptuous, involuntary contortions with a
sneer of disgust and swished the birch menacingly from side to side,
testing its weight and balance. The instrument was nearly thirty inches in
length, with a fine four-inch spray at the business end, and was bound
at its handle with black cloth tape. It had been completely stripped of
leaves then soaked overnight to prevent the canes splitting under the
protracted strain of the whipping. Indeed, the tight bundle of slender,
tapering rods appeared so incredibly supple that it resembled as much a
light, multi-thonged lash as it did the bushy-tailed instrument we tend
to associate with the public school tradition.

Clark looked over at his sergeant, signalling his readiness. "Eight
strokes," Thorne said bluntly. "To the buttocks only. Proceed!" 

Abruptly, the senior constable swung the birch up and over his head.
Then, taking quick aim, he lashed it down again with all the strength he
could bring to bear. There was a loud, meaty "thhwwaaack!" and a
sudden, violent shock passed through the woman's well-padded bottom and
thighs, throwing her forward on her mount. The whole of her fleshy rear had
jumped and juddered with the sheer force of the blow and, as the pain
of the stinging impact began to take hold, a keening wail
issued out from beneath her mop of long auburn tresses and her hips arched
forward in a powerful spasm. 

"Nnnnnnnggggggg... !! 

Then the tense, twitching buttocks suddenly relaxed, bucking and
writhing with the swelling, scalding agony. She tossed her head furiously
from side to side and her long hair thrashed wildly about her face,
getting in her mouth and eyes. "Ohhh God!" she spluttered, groping for
breath. "God! God! Ahhh..." Without further pause, the big policeman swung
the birch around again and brought it whistling down a second time.

"Nnnnnnnnggggggggggg ... !!!"

In colonial times the birch had been employed to cool the lust of the
so-called 'naughty women' who frequented the taverns and bawdy-houses of
the seamy Kingstown waterfront. These whippings were often carried out
in full view of any who cared to attend, the shame and humiliation of
the degrading ordeal being thought a fitting addendum to the proper
chastisement of 'strumpets and unchaste women.' The last woman to be
publicly flogged at Oakwood was a certain Siobhán Milligan, who, in April
1903, received twenty-five lashes for what the records describe as her
"lewd and indecent dealings with certain gentlemen known to the court."

The Public Safety Act of 1969, however, limits the number of strokes to
a safe maximum of twelve at any one session. Punishment is administered
to the prisoner's bare buttocks by a suitably experienced officer drawn
from the all-male R.O.C., the Royal Oakwood Constabulary. The appointed
officer will be expected to deliver the thrashing with the full force
of his arm and, according to prison authorities, the more severe welts
will often persist for several days.

Penny Spender's behaviour under the birch, however, was as stubbornly
defiant as had been her insolent, undignified performance before the
chief magistrate the day before. It is true she gasped and cried out when
the punishment began, and, it must be said, she had been justifiably
horrified at the ghastly, indecent exposure of her bare bottom before the
officers and the official witnesses. Yet, for all her suffering and
humiliation, she did not plead nor weep so stridently, nor struggle so
earnestly as one might have expected under such forceful castigation.
Indeed, the lass seemed to take her thrashing with a sullen, white-knuckled
resolve not to succumb at all willingly to its punitive vicissitudes.

A third time the constable swung the birch down on Penelope's helpless,
trembling rear and a great tremor racked her entire frame. Again she
gave out her strangled, mewling cry.

"Nnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggg ... !!!!!"

Predictably, her recalcitrance and lack of contrition served only to
arouse the man's righteous wrath, and, after a fourth stroke had been
given without eliciting the desired level of remorse, he turned and looked
impatiently at the sergeant, folding his arms over his chest, and
saying, "She resists correction, Sir." 

Sergeant Thorne nodded sagaciously. "Give her two at the top of the
thighs," he said. "That should make her see sense." Clark wheeled about
and strode across to continue the punishment on the relatively unscathed
surface of her opposite flank, laying the birch squarely across that
part which the sergeant had indicated. The effect of the man's impressive
demonstration of strength and accuracy was immediate and spectacular.
Penny let out a tremendous yelp of pain and her hips jerked forward
violently. Then, as the terrible sting continued to rage and swell the
woman screamed incoherently and her trembling, whip-marked bottom rose
sharply in the air, bucking and writhing uncontrollably.

Clark stood by impassively while his howling victim performed her mad
tarantella of pain and penitence, then, without warning, swung again
with all his might, coming on at that same sensitive place where the birch
had previously struck. Penelope shrieked and commenced another
astonishing volley of jerks and gyrations. Her hips arched up lewdly and,
seizing the moment, Clark brought the birch down for a seventh time across
the taut, apple-hard globes of Penelope's writhing, upthrust derriere,
and once more her frightful ululations rent the still morning calm of
the near-empty gaolhouse. Her lithe body twisted painfully as she
strained to break free of her restraints, and, begging for mercy, she flung
her hips from side to side in a vain, frantic effort to avoid, or perhaps
simply delay, the next agonising stroke. "One to come!" the sergeant
shouted over the raucous din. 

Penny tossed her head back, sobbing hoarsely. Her eyes were wild and
her face contorted with pain. "NO!!" she shrieked. "No! No! Nooo...!!!"
Clark waited till the convulsion had subsided then slowly raised the
birch. The jiggling buttocks tensed. The tender globes appeared raw and
ruddy under the harsh electric light of the drill hall. Indeed, the whole
of her shapely posterior was ridged and scored with long, ragged weals
where the slim, whippy birch had coiled itself about her bottom and
upper thighs.

With a dramatic, ostentatious show of ceremony, the senior constable
then swung the birch around in a wide arc and brought it slicing down.
There followed another great howl of pain as the final stroke lashed
across the burning, plum-red tapestry already emblazoned on Penelope's
churning rear. A great spasm of pain coursed through her body and her
desperate struggles commenced anew. 

"Undo her," the sergeant said, when, after a minute or so, the frenzy
of her chastisement had spent itself. All the fight, it seemed, had
deserted her and she had collapsed limply across the trestle, sobbing her
very heart out.

The young constable then moved around and began to unfasten the
manacles from about her wrists. "Don't try to stand up too quickly," he said,
placing a hand at her shoulder and easing her up gently.  "Oh God.. Oh
God.." she moaned. "Easy, Miss," the lad said. Penelope moaned again.
"Oh God.. Leave me alone." 

Wincing painfully, she managed to right herself and, reaching behind
her, pulled the panties up from around her knees. The senior man had,
meanwhile, discarded the birch, and now proceeded to release her ankles
from their leather restraints. Penny was still blubbering and sobbing
weakly, though the worst of it was over. She would spend a very restless
night, face down, no doubt. "Come on, lass," the younger constable said,
straightening her skirt, and together the two men led the woman,
vinegar faced and dishevelled, down from the platform. 

"What will happen to her now?" one of the official witnesses asked as
the documents were being signed to confirm the execution of the
sentence. "She will be released," Mrs McNally said matter-of-factly. "What! In
her state?" the astonished witness cried, looking dubiously at the
punished woman who stood gazing about her with a pained, bewildered look.
"Of course," replied the warden. "We like to make an example of these
lawless vandals."

The man considered this for a moment and said, "You're right, of
course. If it weren't for the birch we'd be overrun by the young savages.


Copyright (c) 1999 by Lupercal
All Rights Reserved